Vampire Counts vs Dogs of War Part 1
Welcome to the first battle report on Scent of a Gamer! Part 1 will cover just the initial set-up for the game, and give me a chance to test how my images are going to display. But first, here's some text.
I turned up to the club before Aido, for the first time ever. Fellow gamers Jason and Eddie were already there, and they had news. Along with Aido they had played in a one-day tournament the day before. A tournament Aido had won, smashing Jason's army along the way. Aido had already had his practice.
Aido turned up a few minutes later. While we set up the table, I asked Aido about the army. he was happy with the way it had performed, and wasn't really expecting to make changes, regardless of the result of our game. But he was looking forward to his ultimate test; to see if one of his tournament armies could win a game against me (a draw is usually as good as it gets).
"It's a hell of an army, mate," said Eddie, clapping me on the shoulder. "Hell of an army." Then he walked to the opposite side of the hall. Minimum safe distance, I guess.

Here you can see the set up I chose. I boxed my army in, not wanting to get divided and chopped up by Aido's better, more numerous units. Facing two flyers and two units of fast cav, I deployed the ghouls at my rear to dissuade any thoughts of assault from the rear. The Black Knights were anchored on the woods on my left, and zombies took up position either side of the Grave Guard unit, which contained my general and a necromancer.

Aido formed a longer line than me, his army looks so much larger than mine despite having 70 or so models to my 120ish. He kept the bulk of his power opposite mine, the crossbows on a hill, and a unit of light and heavy cav off to his left, ready to move up and sweep my flank.
In case you are scratching your head about the unit descriptions I will let you know now; the army has a bear theme. The Maneaters are represented by humans on bears. The Rhinox Riders are represented by fancier heroes riding really huge bears! I will post a close up of this unit at the end of the report.
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