The Armies Have Mustered
Welcome to the first battle report for Scent of a Gamer! I'll be posting the report itself (with pics) over the next few days. Up first are the two army lists.
This is a 2250 battle, Vampire Counts versus Dogs of War. I've overcome my fear of the new edition to play my first game under seventh edition against Aido. He's taking his Dogs of War army, and this battle was to help him practise for an upcoming tournament.
Aido is one of the better players in the country, wins tournaments when he's not running them, but I've always been his bane. "You've done it to me again, Dave" is something I hear from him a lot around turn 5 in our games.
I was testing out the idea of taking a Necrarch Lord, fully decked out for casting spells, taking 5 spells from the Lore of Death, and casting them at an additional 6" range. Just to see.
Dogs of War
Hireling Wizard Lord (General)
2 dispel scrolls, staff of sorcery, level 4 [310]
Paymaster, barded warhorse, enchanted shield, heavy armour, morning star [85]
Mercenary Captain, Pegasus, lance heavy armour, brace of pistols [124]
Mercenary Captain, Pegasus, lance heavy armour, brace of pistols [124]
6 light cavalry, spear, shield [84]
6 light cavalry, spear, shield [84]
10 heavy cavalry, barding, full command [255]
9 heavy cavalry, barding, full command, [234]
10 crossbows [80]
10 crossbows [80]
9 duellists, pistols [81]
1 maneater heavy armour, great weapon [90]
1 maneater heavy armour, great weapon [90]
1 maneater heavy armour, great weapon [90]
1 maneater heavy armour, great weapon [90]
3 rhinox riders, heavy armour, ironfist [348]
Vampire Counts
Necrarch Lord, level 3, Forbidden Lore, Unholy Cynosure, Master of the Black Arts, Sword of Might, Spell Familiar [430]
Necromancer, level 2, Cursed Book [150]
Necromancer, level 2, Dispel Scroll, Book of Arkhan [150]
5 Dire Wolves [50]
9 Ghouls [72]
9 Ghouls [72]
30 Zombies standard, musician [195]
30 Zombies standard, musician [195]
10 Black Knights, full command, Banner of the Barrows [315]
5 Fell Bats [100]
20 Grave Guard, shields, full command, War Banner [315]
Banshee [90]
Banshee [90]
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