Wargames, Board Games, Card Games, Computer Games. Take a deep breath...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


So, today's post is a day after my usual Saturday/Tuesday routine that I came up with when I decided I needed a routine.

There's a good explanation: Alien Crossfire.

I found the long-thought-lost disc for this game on Sunday during a day of spring cleaning. A note to furrowed brows- I live in the southern hemisphere. Everything is backwards here. And we all walk around upside down.

The game was duly fired up, and behold! Sunday night did turn into Monday morning, and still the game was played for "just one more turn." They should patent that. Monday was not a good day at work.

Being the discplined type that I am, the game has been played each evening, instead of doing other things like painting Easterlings, posting regularly to my blog, that sort of thing. Eating. That's overrated too.

Did I mention I enjoy that game a lot? That may have come through as a suble undertone. If you ever get the chance to pick up a copy my advice is do so. Assuming you have a week or ten spare. That helps.

I'd continue, but the Spartans have just opened up a new front to my north, and I really need to get my Tachyon Needlejets up there, without pulling too much away from my war with the Usurpers. Good times.


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