Wargames, Board Games, Card Games, Computer Games. Take a deep breath...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

So Many Projects...

The curse of any wargamer is taking on more than you can deal with. The armies that never get finished, the game systems that go under-used. Every gamer's bits box tells its story of old projects abandoned for new.

Right now in front of me I have:

1. Paint the Lord of the Rings Easterling force (deadline: December)

2. Finish off my Warhammer Fantasy Sylvanian army for a 5,000 point battle against Ado's Cult of Ulric (deadline: October)

3. Assemble, model, and paint a Khorne army for Warhammer fantasy - no deadline or even start time

4. Finish assembling the Warhammer 40k Imperial City box that Ado, Shags, Eddie and I teamed up and bought about two months back - no deadline

5. Convince Ado, Shags, and Eddie to play Necromunda since I really don't like the current 40k version - deadline for this is sometime after we actually have the city assembled and painted.

That's enough to keep me busy throughout next year, assuming I don't get into any new game systems (like Flames of War), get distracted by new Warhammer army releases (the new Vampire Counts are coming!), or get swallowed entirely by Warhammer Online, which is due sometime in the middle of next year.

So many projects, and only one me.


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