A Battle to Come
The story so far:
As battles raged across the Kislev and the Empire during the Storm of Chaos, another threat emerged. The Sylvanian army was on the march, heading North. Kislev and the Cult of Ulric diverted forces to deal with this new threat, and stop Manfred Von Carstein establishing a "Greater Sylvania" beyond the lands he already controlled.
The forces of Ulric were the first to engage the Undead. Under the leadership of Hildegard Von Carstein the forces of Sylvania surged across the River Stir. The forces of Ulric arrived too late to prevent the river crossing. The Undead were waiting for them, in a position of their own choosing.
A supernatural cry came from the undead and over a dozen Dire Wolves emerged from the woods to harry the Ulric forces as they tried to move to a more favourable position. It was too late. Separated and engaged piecemeal by Hildegard's forces, the Cult of Ulric suffered a clear defeat, and quit the field. Hildegard eagerly sent word of her victory back to the Manfred, who was moving up with the main strength of the Sylvanian army.
Hildegard's was not the only army sent ahead of the main force. Surging forward on the strength of Hildegard's victory, Algis Von Carstein led the tip of the Sylvanan thrust Northwards, into the approaching Kislev army.
The Kislev force had two advantages; they were forewarned of the Sylvanian threat by a ragged, exhausted messenger dispatched at the moment of defeat for Ulric, and they had prudently engaged mercenary forces to expand their force, including four Ogre Maneaters.
Once again the battle began with the sudden appearance of Dire Wolves, but these were lesser in number, and not in the same advantageous position as they were against Ulric. Algis moved his militia and levy units forward aggressively, daring the Kislev cavalry to charge.
Kislev accepted the invitation, charging the levy. Zombies fell left and right, but it was not enough. Two nearby grave markers helped the unit regenerate its casualties, and the battle became a test of endurance. Algis himself entered the battle, as did the Ogre Maneaters. The battle between Ogre and Vampire was inconclusive, and elsewhere on the battlefield other units faced off, unwilling to commit.
Two things broke the deadlock. Algis was ripped apart by a badly wounded Maneater, and on the right flank the Paymaster was run down by the Sylvanian Militia and their Wraith captain.
Many mercenaries panicked at the sight of their paymaster's chest in the hands of a terrifying Wraith, fleeing the field. However, with Algis gone, the Sylvanian army began to crumble.
The remaining Kislev forces held their nerve, and the field. Though the battle was inconclusive, the Sylvanian advance was halted, and the death of Algis was a blow.
Too depleted to press their advantage, the Kislevs forces held firm, fortifying their position, and giving their Ulric allies time to regroup and reinforce. Manfred was now approaching with the full strength of Sylvania.
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