The models are the most striking feature of the Easterling army. Unique and distinctive, their gold and crimson stands out on the battlefields of Middle Earth.
Easterlings are, like Gondor, the generic men of Middle-Earth. With a Fight value and Courage of 3 they are serviceable but not exemplary. The Easterling army range is in fact very limited. Your choice falls into three types of infantry, one of cavalry, and one character, plus a special Ringwraith.
Easterling infantry are cheap and effective. Protected by their high armour value, they cluster together for protection, with spears able to fight in three ranks behind their swordsmen. Archers provide the flexibility to target and whittle down enemy threats.
Easterling infantry are noted for their good armour, leading to the tendency to use them defensively. However with the right mix of captains and standards, the Easterling foot army can be used as an effective aggressive force, though it has its limits.
Kataphrakts provide some mounted punch. While lacking in lances, the power of these mounted Easterling warriors is still welcome. The Easterling infantry are able to hold up many superior enemies until the Kataphrakts to charge in.
If you want named characters or even troops reaching the lofty heights of Fight 4, you will have to look to the Easterling allies. By themselves the Easterlings offer a uniquely disciplined evil force of men.
Legions of Middle Earth expands the Easterling list. Additions include siege weaponry, and a welcome Easterling King. Dragon Warriors are the other additional entry, from their points cost these may well be Easterling warriors with Fight 4.
Easterlings are a simple force to build up, with a boxed plastic regiment providing the necessary core foot troops, and Kataphrakts and command can be added as needed.
Below is a sample Easterling list. I won't say typical, as it's the 600 point force that I am currently painting up (pics coming). It's designed to simply be a large visual presence on the field.
The Mouth of Sauron, riding an armoured steed
Two Easterling Captains, both on foot with sword and shield
Troops & Banners:
12 Easterling Warriors armed with bows
12 Easterling Warriors armed with sword and shield
8 Easterling Warriors armed with spear and shield
1 Easterling Warrior with a banner
5 Easterling Kataphrakts
1 Easterling Kataphrakt with a banner
I would expand this force but I’m waiting for forthcoming releases. An Easterling King is an obvious addition as soon as one is available. The aforementioned Dragon Warriors are another consideration, but I don't know anything about them. The other idea is to use mounted Black Numenoreans as elite cavalry alongside the Mouth of Sauron and existing Kataphrakts.